My first ever cryptography related challenge solve in a CTF was 1n-Jection in Zh3r0 CTF 2021. Since then I have solved many more. Below is a list of writeups for all the cryptography related challenges that I have solved in CTFs in 2021 :

Challenge CTF Category Solves
Rotting Fruits idek 2021 Caesar Cipher 178/235
Nameless idek 2021 RSA, Quadratic Polynomials 64/235
Hashbrown idek 2021 Hashes, Bruteforce 45/235
Seed of Life idek 2021 Random Seeds, Bruteforce 31/235
Polyphenol idek 2021 LLL 21/235
Destroyed RSA 🩸 idek 2021 RSA, Complex Multiplication Factorization, Flawed Exponent 16/235
EccRoll idek 2021 ECC, Quadratic Residues 14/235
Key Exchange Buckeye 2021 Diffie-Hellman 141/505
Key Exchange 2 Buckeye 2021 Diffie-Hellman, Lagrange’s Theorem, Small Subgroup 34/505
Defective RSA Buckeye 2021 RSA, Flawed Exponent, Roots of Unity modulo n 33/505
Elliptigo 🩸 Buckeye 2021 ECC, Points of low order 21/505
Super VDF Buckeye 2021 Pollard’s p-1 factorization, Euler’s Theorem 15/505
Pseudo Buckeye 2021 Miller-Rabin Pseudoprimes, Legendre Symbol 15/505
Alkaloid Stream Perfect Blue 2021 Custom Scheme 132/210
Steroid Stream Perfect Blue 2021 Custom Scheme, Linear Dependence & Independence 38/210
GoodHash Perfect Blue 2021 AES-GCM, GHASH, Ciphertext Collisions 30/210
RSA Pop Quiz CSAW Quals 2021 Wiener’s Attack, RSA LSB Oracle, Coppersmith 137/1216
Forgery CSAW Quals 2021 ElGamal Signature, Existential Forgery 127/1216
ECC Pop Quiz CSAW Quals 2021 ECC, Smart’s Attack, MOV Attack, Singular Curve Attack 63/1216
Bits CSAW Quals 2021 Discrete Log Oracle, Bit Propagation 24/1216
Sharing Secrets Yauza CTF 2021 CRT 50/227
Knapsack Yauza CTF 2021 Hellman-Knapsack 35/227
Signature Yauza CTF 2021 Custom Signature Scheme 31/227
Leaky Blinders Fword CTF 2021 N/A 120/428
Boombastic Fword CTF 2021 Gröbner basis 54/428
Invincible Fword CTF 2021 ECC, Invalid Curve Attack, RNG 28/428
Login Fword CTF 2021 Hash Extension Attack, RSA Signatures, Unknown Modulus 11/428
Gold Digger InCTF CTF 2021 Jacobi’s Symbol 76/604
Lost Baggage InCTF CTF 2021 Custom Encryption System 52/604
Right Now Generator InCTF CTF 2021 RNG 51/604
Eazy Xchange InCTF CTF 2021 ECDH 44/604
Dhke-intro UIUCTF CTF 2021 Brute-force 166/658
Dhke-adventure UIUCTF CTF 2021 Diffie-Hellman, Smooth Primes, Discrete Log 64/658
Pow-erful UIUCTF CTF 2021 Bitcoin Hashes 16/658
Pythia Google CTF 2021 AES-GCM, Partitioning Oracle Attacks 65/379
Story Google CTF 2021 CRC Bit Flipping 32/379
Scissor Redpwn CTF 2021 Caesar Cipher 1005/1418
Baby Redpwn CTF 2021 RSA, FactorDB 827/1418
Round-The-Bases Redpwn CTF 2021 Encodings 348/1418
Blecc Redpwn CTF 2021 ECC, Discrete Log 146/1418
Yahtzee Redpwn CTF 2021 AES-CTR Weak Nonce, Chosen Plaintext Attack 103/1418
Scrambled-Elgs Redpwn CTF 2021 Custom Encryption, Sage 70/1418
Keeper-of-the-Flag Redpwn CTF 2021 DSA, Biased Nonce, SHA-1 Collisions 42/1418
Retrosign Redpwn CTF 2021 Ong-Schnorr-Shamir Signature System 26/1418
Queen-Of-The-Hill HSCTF 2021 Hill Cipher 514/1165
Opisthocomus-Hoazin HSCTF 2021 Char Brute-force, RSA 376/1165
Regulus-Satrapa HSCTF 2021 RSA Bitshifts 129/1165
Canis-Lupus-Familiaris-Bernardus HSCTF 2021 AES-CBC Byte Flipping Attack 112/1165
Regulus-Regulus HSCTF 2021 RSA, Deriving Carmichael Function 93/1165
Regulus-Calendula HSCTF 2021 Algebraic Reconstruction Algorithm, Branch and Prune Attack 28/1165
Chaos Zh3r0 2021 Chaotic Hashes 50/509
1n-Jection Zh3r0 2021 Custom Scheme, Recursion 45/509

Random Solve Scripts

Challenge CTF Category Solves
oOoOoO SECCON 2021 LLL 26/506
So Easy RSA HITCON 2021 RSA, LCG 56/288
Crypto Warmup ASIS Quals 2021 Custom, Primitive Roots, Discrete Logarithms 147/741
Spiritual ASIS Quals 2021 ECC 60/741
Pryby K3RN3L CTF 2021 Custom Scheme 96/501
Pascal RSA K3RN3L CTF 2021 Lucas’ Theorem, RSA 75/501
Tick Tock 🩸 K3RN3L CTF 2021 Discrete Logarithm for Genus 0 Curves 6/501

Note : The “🩸” denotes first blood on that challenge.